
Thanks for visiting my blog. I began journaling about my daily life when I was eleven. Over the years, this has grown to become a way for me to share my thoughts rather than my daily life. I’m pretty open with sharing all the beautiful chaos of life with six children. I have to remind myself to extend grace to myself each and every day! It is my hope that my writings will help others to learn to extend grace to themselves too. After all, if it weren’t for the Grace of God, life would just be messy. I’m so glad that life can instead be a Beautiful Mess and is covered by His Beautiful Grace.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Summer Reading Goals

   Each summer my older two boys set themselves a reading goal.  Elijah reads on his own and Levi does shared reading with me.  If they meet their goal, they get to pick a toy around the $30 mark.  They both have December birthdays so this is the only big item they get throughout the year.  Last summer Elijah set a goal of 100 books and met that in just 1 month!!!!!  Levi's goal was 30, which he also met in one month.  They both chose super soakers which happened to be on sale BOGO FREE at Toys R Us the week we went shopping!!!!  This year the boys have set the same goal BUT, Elijah's are all chapter books now and he will be testing on bookadventure.com.  Levi will also have 30 books to read but I'm going to be testing him on books that I read to him and hopefully by the end of the summer he will be reading some Bob books to list as well.  Each summer we read 1-2 chapter books aloud and those count towards their goal.  I feel this gives them a great example of fluency and allows us to spend some special quality time together.  The younger two join us for story time but we don't yet keep up with books read to them.

Summer Reading Record

Feel free to use this file however you may like.  I made it pretty quickly and realized that it wouldn't all print on one sheet in portrait so I swapped to landscape.  I did not readjust the spreadsheet so that it would be centered on the sheet.  If you want to use it as is, please do.  If you want to use this as a guide to make your own, that's fine too.  I just wanted to share this idea and record keeping sheet with you in case you would like to do this with your kiddos this summer.  Be sure to leave a comment to let me know how you use it and how it works for your family this summer.

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